By Pete Lane
August 2019
This document is intended to provide suggestions for what to do if we find ourselves in an active shooting event: how to recognize signs of potential violence around us, how we might react, and what to expect after an active shooting takes place.
This material has been adapted to include some fundamental actions which blind and visually impaired individuals might find helpful in an active shooter crisis situation. It was compiled as a result of input received from the blindness community. Accordingly, many suggestions may vary drastically and may even be contradictory.
Precisely what actions we might take will depend upon a variety of factors, including the specific environment in which we find ourselves during a crisis, our level of usable vision, our training, our confidence in our blindness skills and our overall mindset at the time.
It is important to point out that we as blind people are not by nature helpless or incapable of handling ourselves in any circumstances, even an active shooter crisis. In fact, we can live completely independently, support ourselves and thrive in any situation, and even defend ourselves when necessary. It is also crucial that we and our friends in the sighted world understand this and set expectations accordingly. As we move through this document, we should keep this in mind and know that many of us will be able to perform needed actions independently and capably, just as our sighted counterparts will do.
Based on research done by the FBI, most shootings are concluded in 5 minutes or less from start to finish. Accordingly, we won’t have very much time to think about what we should do in such a crisis. This is why we need to know what to do before it actually happens.
Sometimes there’s nothing we can do to survive, but we may get a chance to act, and will only have seconds to figure out what to do. Our stress will be high, so we should make a plan of action now that we can call upon wherever we go.
This is especially important when we realize that the human mind tends to process events in terms of our day to day activities. That is, if we hear something that is out of the ordinary, we tend to frame that sound as a routine experience in our minds. This means we might not react to an unusual or foreign sound such as gun shots as quickly as we should. We might chalk it off to being something familiar, like the back firing of a car, or just some unknown loud sound, rather than the truly life-threatening sound that it is. However, if we have a clear plan in mind, our conscious and subconscious thoughts may allow that plan to kick in, over-riding that tendency to mis-characterize the event and allow us to react more quickly. All this is to say that it is absolutely crucial that we plan now for what we might do then.
One key step will be to maintain situational awareness wherever we go. If we think about it, as blind or visually impaired individuals, we actually maintain this awareness all the time. When we leave our home, we are taking in our surroundings, listening, smelling, feeling and seeing with any usable vision we can leverage to prepare ourselves for what we might encounter. We are actively immersed in each new environment we enter. It is a routine preparedness measure we utilize to carry out even our most basic day to day activities, and it may prove beneficial in a crisis situation. So, let’s stay alert, be aware of our surroundings, trust our instincts and be ready to act quickly.
Remember three actions to follow during an active shooting situation:
Prepare in advance – Be Informed and be ready!
Sign up for an active shooter training class when available. These are often offered by employers, community organizations, local law enforcement and other civic groups.
Not only is regular classroom training a good idea for such situations, but “Active” training, with repetitious hands-on exercises will always be most effective in simulating such a chaotic crisis. Remember that the physiological responses within our body to such stress may prevent us from thinking rationally and delay our ability to recognize and act on the threat. Repetitious exercises can help to overcome this. In other words:
Practice, Practice, Practice!!
Wecan help by being advocates by encouraging our employers, our organizations (e.g., NFB, ACB, AFB), our Schools, churches, law enforcement agencies, local rehab facilities, state Services, The Red Cross, etc. to conduct active shooter preparedness exercises for the blind and visually impaired population. And we should encourage friends and family to attend. Additionally, we must advocate strongly that those offering the training include blind individuals as active participants in the training process. We should not be excluded or passively sit on the sideline because we are blind or visually impaired.
We should seek out training in CPR and AED techniques – these are also offered by employers, the Red Cross or other civic or similar organizations.
If we haven’t previously done so, we should take a self-defense class. Note: one self-defense program offered specifically to blind and visually impaired individuals is called: 1 Touch Project, the details of which can be found at: www.1TouchProject.Com.
Option: Some of us have armed ourselves with a firearm for self-defense at home. If so, we should attend firearms training immediately.
Alternative option:Some believe that as blind people, arming ourselves with a firearm is unwise and unsafe. Conversely, some of us, particularly those of us who live in the US understand that we have a constitutional right to arm ourselves. So, think long and hard and consider the pros and cons before pursuing this option.
If we see or hear something out of the ordinary which gives us concern, we should say something to an authority right away. For example: suspicious postings on social media, or odd or unusual comments or behavior of an individual might offer advance warning into the mindset of a person intent upon violent actions and provide a much-needed heads-up to law enforcement.
We should also try to be cognizant of physical changes to our school or church buildings or other locations. To illustrate this point, we know that the Virginia Tech shooter tested his plan by placing chains and padlocks on university doors to test student awareness prior to his actual shooting rampage. Nobody seemed to notice these, and campus security personnel were never notified.
See Something, Say Something!
Sign up to receive local emergency alerts and register work and personal contact information with any work, school or other sponsored alert systems to receive up to date information on these kinds of events. This would include social media feeds for local law enforcement where we would be likely to learn of incidents such as an active shooter situation in our area.
Consider traveling with a buddy or companion when going to an unfamiliar area. Depending on the area, this may be advisable regardless of whether or not we have vision.
Make a Plan: It May Save Lives!
We should make a plan with our families and ensure everyone knows what they would do if confronted with an active shooter, whether at home or elsewhere.
Whenever possible, we should locate the two nearest exits in a facility, anywhere we go, have an escape path in mind & identify places we could hide. We know this is not often practical or even possible but keep it in mind whenever visiting a new location. Don’t hesitate to ask someone. In this day and age, people should understand that we aren’t just being nosey or unnecessarily curious if we wish to identify possible exits from the facility or area where we are located.
We should familiarize ourselves with the building, store, mall or outdoor area when we have the time. Download a map or take time to practice walking the area to learn the layout and find the exits.
In a Mall, the anchor stores will have rear exits behind their business offices, as will theaters, stand-alone grocery stores, restaurants, and other stores. If in a school, college, public building or other similar facility, there will likely be an Emergency Preparedness and an Active Shooter Plan in place. We can familiarize ourselves with it in advance by accessing it on their web site if possible or ask about it when entering the facility. When practical, find out if an emergency preparedness plan for individuals with disabilities exists at the location and become familiar with it. Their web site may include such a resource
During an incident – Run – Escape, if possible!
Getting away from the shooter or shooters is our top priority. We should run away from the sounds of danger if we can gauge their whereabouts. Do not move closer to the sounds in order to assess what is happening or attempt to help. we should trust our instincts and run away from the sounds. Leave belongings behind and get away. Help others escape, if possible, but evacuate regardless of whether others agree to follow.
A key objective in these cases is to keep moving. A moving target is harder to hit!
Depending upon our level of vision or our navigational skills, it may be that running is a good option for us. On the other hand, it may be dangerous to us or others. In such cases, here are some alternatives to consider:
- Option 1. If we are unable to run safely by ourselves, we can ask for help from others. we can grab an elbow, a belt, shirtsleeve or something else to allow us to run with a sighted individual. If nobody agrees to help, then don’t ask, just grab and run. Courtesy is secondary to survival, Pride in our independence goes out the window in these situations, and survival takes top priority. Keep running until out of the building, store, mall, or other location, or until absolutely sure we are free and out of danger.
- Option 2.The shooter is oriented to looking for people who are running, so find a place to drop down and hide. Offer a low profile that may be out of the shooter’s line of sight in hopes of avoiding his gaze. (See the discussion later in this document which describes the actions to take when hiding).
Warn and prevent individuals from entering an area where the active shooter may be and call 911 when in a safe place. Try to describe the shooter, his location, and his weapons to the extent possible
HIDE, If Escape Is Not Possible!
Get out of the shooter’s view and stay very quiet, preferably out of the main aisle or hallway, and the primary line of sight of the shooter.
Silence all electronic devices and make sure they won’t vibrate.
Note, this would include silencing Voiceover, Talk Back or other speech system we may utilize. we can Triple-click our Home button on our iPhone to do this or perform a 3-finger double tap to silence speech.
If in an open area, we should not hide in groups. Spread out along walls or hide separately to make it more difficult for the shooter. It may be that adding an extra step or two for the shooter to find or reach us may prompt them to move on to more fruitful convenient targets.
Remember, active shooters are looking for the most victims in the shortest amount of time.
If we are in a location where a solid structure is not available to hide behind, such as a store or restaurant, we might consider pulling a clothes rack, display, table and chairs, food cart, or other similar covering over our self to block us from the shooters view.
If in a separate room, we should not hide on a wall facing the door where the gunman may come in. We should hide on a left or right wall, out of his line of sight where he is not looking.
Secure the room: Lock doors, close blinds, and turn off lights.
Barricade the door with heavy furniture, a chair under the doorknob, boxes, etc. which may add a layer for the shooter to have to overcome, or which might stop a bullet.
This hiding place should be out of the shooter’s view and provide protection if shots are fired in our direction.
Get into offices, rest rooms, or other rooms with lockable doors if possible. Hide behind heavy doors, walls, credenzas, file cabinets, desks, tables, counters, large vending machines, etc. which offer protection if possible.
If outdoors, try to hide behind structures or solid objects. These may include walls, barricades, power boxes, pillars or poles. We can even hide behind a curb, which while offering a low profile, may obscure the shooter’s aim or offer sufficient protection against bullets.
Option: If no solid hiding place is available, as a last resort, consider “playing dead” if the shooter approaches us while hiding. In this case we should lie face down, calm or stop our breathing, not move a muscle, keep our eyes open and try not to move our eyes or eyelids.
Try to communicate with authorities silently. Use a headset or ear buds to silence our device, using text, email or social media. If possible when speaking on a 911 call, let the operator know we may be near the shooter so we may not speak or respond to questions. However, we don’t want to risk revealing ourselves to the shooter in order to do so.
In some locations, a service called “Text-to-911” allowing texting in lieu of a voice call may be available. we can read the details and find out if such a service is available in our area by searching the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) website and checking their list of areas that support text-to-911 service. This list is updated monthly.
Smart phone apps or services such as “Aira” or “Be My Eyes” may offer a visual description of our environment, but we should be cautious when considering accessing them. The time needed to reach an assistant may work against us, and the sound of our conversation may reveal our location to the shooter. While asking a sighted Agent or assistant to fully describe our surroundings may require time to speak, we might consider merely asking that they contact 911 to report the situation, thus requiring only a brief conversation. Also, Aira offers a texting feature which would avoid our having to speak with an Agent.
For Guide Dog users:
Option:Once in our hiding place we might consider dropping the harness and leash and allow the dog to do what they wish. Keep in mind that many guide dog schools implant a microchip or a tattoo for ease of location and identification if our dog is lost.
Alternative option:Many of us will protect our guide dog over all else, and under no circumstances let go of the harness. The dog is our eyes at that moment, and very likely our only avenue to safety
Once hiding, we should remain in place until law enforcement tells us it’s clear and safe to move.
FIGHT – As A Last Resort.
We realize this suggestion is extreme, and certainly not an ideal course of action, but there may be a time during the incident when we have no other options short of fighting the shooter in order to prevent him from harming or killing us or others. This is a last resort, but if faced with such a circumstance, we must commit to it fully as it may mean survival.
Many blind and visually impaired individuals are quite capable of not only defending ourselves, but taking an offensive tact against the shooter. We are Black Belts, extreme fighters or have other formidable skills that may disarm or disable the shooter and feel as if we can fight as an initial action, rather than as a last resort. In such cases, we should weigh the potential risks vs the rewards and commit to our decision.
Just because we don’t have a gun, doesn’t mean we don’t have a weapon. A weapon can offer valuable added force and may mean the difference in these drastic situations, and almost anything in our environment can be turned into a weapon: chairs, fire extinguishers, lamps, umbrellas, belts, paper weights, letter openers, books, coffee mugs, even a pen can be used as an improvised weapon. If practical, we can break apart an interior file drawer rack to use the metal pieces as a make-shift weapon.
If possible, spray a fire extinguisher in the shooter’s direction. Try to aim for his face and eyes. Or throw a pot of scalding hot coffee his way.
Be Creative, Quick and Violent!
Once the shooter is disoriented, rush him and take him down. We recognize that this may be easier said than done but remember at this point we’re considering our last resort.
Remember, we should commit to our actions and act as aggressively as possible against the shooter. We should be prepared to cause severe or lethal injury in order to save ourselves and others. Don’t worry about fighting “fairly”. All is fair in such situations: bite him, poke him in the eyes, kick him, stab him with an improvised weapon, attack his soft tissue such as his throat, eyes, stomach, ears, etc. Instill whatever pain or injury possible, even disorientation if that is all that can be done.
Team up: Recruit others to help ambush the shooter to confuse, distract or disorient him. Use weapons like scissors, letter openers, knives etc. to fight with.
Keep hands visible and empty so law enforcement doesn’t perceive us as a threat. We should not hold our cell phone in our hand, as this may be perceived as a weapon – keep hands visible and completely empty.
Know that law enforcement’s first task is to end the incident, and they may have to pass injured individuals along the way.
Officers may arrive in groups, will likely be armed with rifles, shotguns, and/or handguns and may use pepper spray or tear gas to control the situation.
Officers will be very aggressive, shout commands and may push individuals to the ground for their safety. we must try not to let this disorient or cause us to disregard their instructions. If practical, we can show them our white cane, or otherwise let them know we are visually impaired.
Follow law enforcement instructions and evacuate in the direction they come from, unless otherwise instructed.
We should take care of ourselves first, and then we may be able to help the wounded before first responders arrive.
If the injured are in immediate danger, help get them to safety, but not at the risk of our own life.
While we wait for first responders to arrive, provide first aid. Apply direct pressure to wounded areas and use tourniquets if trained to do so.
Turn wounded people onto their sides if they are unconscious and keep them warm.
We should not lose sight of the fact that such a dramatic experience can affect us emotionally and should consider seeking professional help for us and our family to cope with the long-term effects of the trauma.
We hope to never find ourselves in an active shooter situation, but if we do, we can prepare to some extent to increase the chances of surviving such an experience.
As blind people, we may very well possess the skills and confidence needed to manage ourselves independently and capably in any situation, including an active shooter crisis.
We should be included in any related preparedness or training conducted on behalf of our sighted counterparts, and not left on the sidelines as passive observers.
If at all possible, we should be prepared by making a plan as outlined in this document and try to recall some of the suggestions offered in this document if and when we find ourselves in an active shooter crisis.
Remember the three components of the active shooter plan: Run. Hide. Fight.
Additional resources:
RUN. HIDE. FIGHT. ® Surviving an Active Shooter Event – English (video)
Active Shooter Information Sheet (PDF)
Conducting Security Assessments: A Guide for Schools and Houses of Worship Webinar (link)
Department of Homeland Security Active Shooter Video:
Here is an NFB policy on gun ownership and licensing for the blind in the US:
This document is intended to provide suggestions for what to do if we find ourselves in an active shooting event: how to recognize signs of potential violence around us, how we might react, and what to expect after an active shooting takes place.
Note: This material has been adapted to include a few fundamental actions which blind and visually impaired individuals might find helpful in an active shooter crisis situation. Some are offered as suggestions for consideration, in which case alternative ideas are also offered. Precisely what actions we might take will depend upon a variety of factors, including the specific environment in which we find ourselves during a crisis, our level of usable vision and our mindset at the time.
Based on research done by the FBI, most shootings are concluded in 5minutes or less from start to finish. Accordingly, we don’t have very much time to think about what we should do in such a crisis. This is why we need to know what to do before it actually happens.
Sometimes there’s nothing we can do to survive, but we may get a chance to act, and will only have seconds to figure out what to do. Our stress will be high, so we should make a plan of action now, that we can call upon wherever we go.
This is especially important when we realize that the human mind tends to process events in terms of our day to day activities. That is, if we hear something that is out of the ordinary, we tend to frame that sound as a routine experience in our minds. This means we might not react to an unusual or foreign sound such as gun shots as quickly as we should. We might chalk it off to being something familiar, like the back firing of a car, or just some unknown loud sound, rather than the truly life-threatening sound that it is. However, if we have a clear plan in mind, our conscious and subconscious thoughts may allow that plan to kick in, over-riding that tendency to mis-characterize the event and allow us to react more quickly. All this to say that it is absolutely crucial that we plan now for what we might do then.
One key step will be to maintain situational awareness wherever we go. If we think about it, as blind or visually impaired individuals, we actually maintain this awareness all the time. When we leave our home, we are taking in our surroundings, listening, smelling, feeling and seeing with any usable vision we can leverage to prepare ourselves for what we might encounter. We are actively immersed in each new environment we enter. It is a routine preparedness measure we utilize to carry out even our most basic day to day activities, and it may prove beneficial in a crisis situation. So, let’s stay alert, be aware of our surroundings, trust our instincts and be ready to act quickly.
Remember three actions to follow during an active shooting situation:
Prepare in advance – Be Informed, and be ready!
Sign up for an active shooter training class when available. These are often offered by employers, community organizations, local law enforcement and other civic groups.
Not only is regular training a good idea for such situations, but “Active” training, with repetitious exercises will always be most effective in simulating such a chaotic crisis. Remember that the physiological responses within your body to such stress may prevent you from thinking rationally and delay your ability to recognize and act on the threat. Repetitious exercises can help to overcome this.
Practice, Practice, Practice!!
You can help by encouraging your organization (e.g., NFB, ACB, AFB, etc.), your School, church, law enforcement agency, local rehab facility, state Services department, Red Cross, etc. to conduct active shooter preparedness exercises for the blind and visually impaired population. And be sure to encourage friends and family to attend.
Seek out training in CPR and AED techniques – these too are offered by employers, the Red Cross or other civic or similar organizations.
Take a self-defense class. Note: one self-defense program offered specifically to blind and visually impaired individuals is called: 1 Touch Project, the details of which can be found at: www.1TouchProject.Com.
Option: Have you considered arming yourself with a firearm for self-defense at home? If so, attend firearms training immediately.
Alternative option: Some believe that as blind people, arming ourselves with a firearm is unwise and unsafe. Conversely, some of us, particularly those of us who live in the US believe that we have a constitutional right to arm ourselves, and choose to do so, so think long and hard before pursuing this option.
If you see or hear something out of the ordinary which gives you concern, say something to an authority right away. For example: suspicious postings on social media, or odd or unusual behavior of an individual my offer advance warning into the mindset of a person intent upon violent actions.
Also try to be cognizant of physical changes to your school or church buildings or other locations. To illustrate this point, we know that the Virginia Tech shooter tested his plan by placing locked chains on university doors to test student awareness prior to his actual shooting rampage. Nobody seemed to notice these, and campus security personnel were not informed.
See Something, Say Something!
Sign up to receive local emergency alerts and register your work and personal contact information with any work, school or other sponsored alert systems so you will receive up to date information on these kinds of events. This would include social media feeds for local law enforcement where you would be likely to learn of incidents such as an active shooter situation in your area.
Consider traveling with a buddy or companion when going to an unfamiliar area.
Make a Plan: it may save lives!
Make a plan with your family and ensure everyone knows what they would do, if confronted with an active shooter, whether at home or elsewhere.
Whenever possible, locate the two nearest exits in a facility, anywhere you go. Have an escape path in mind & identify places you could hide. We know this is not often practical or even possible but keep it in mind whenever visiting a new location. Don’t hesitate to ask someone. In this day and age, people should understand that you aren’t just being nosey or unnecessarily curious if you wish to identify possible exits from the facility or area where you are located.
Familiarize yourself with the building, store, mall or outdoor area when you have the time. Download a map or take time to practice walking the area to learn the layout and find the exits.
In a Mall, the anchor stores will have rear exits behind their business offices, as will theaters, stand-alone grocery stores, restaurants, and other stores.
If in a school, college, public building or other similar facility, there will likely be an Emergency Preparedness and an Active Shooter Plan in place. Familiarize yourself with it in advance by accessing it on their web site if possible or ask about it when entering the facility.
When practical, find out if an emergency preparedness plan for individuals with disabilities exists at the location and become familiar with it. Their web site may include such a resource
During an incident – Run – Escape, if possible!
Getting away from the shooter or shooters is your top priority.
Run away from the sounds of danger if you can gauge their whereabouts. Do not move closer to the sounds in order to assess what is happening or attempt to help. Trust your instincts and run away from the sounds.
Leave your belongings behind and get away.
Help others escape, if possible, but evacuate regardless of whether others agree to follow.
A key objective in these cases is to keep moving. A moving target is harder to hit!
It may be that running is dangerous to you and/or others. Here are some options to consider:
- Option 1. If you are unable to run safely by yourself, ask for help from others. Grab an elbow or something else to allow you to run with a sighted individual. If nobody agrees to help, then don’t ask, just grab an elbow and run. Courtesy is secondary to survival, Pride in your independence goes out the window in these situations, and survival takes top priority. Keep running until you are out of the building, store, mall, or other location, or until you are absolutely sure you are free and out of danger.
- Option 2. The shooter is oriented to looking for people who are running, so find a place to drop down and hide. Offer a low profile that may be out of the shooter’s line of sight in hopes of avoiding his gaze. (See the discussion later in this document which describes the actions to take when hiding).
If you are with your guide dog, drop the harness and leash and allow the dog to do what they wish.
Many guide dog schools implant a microchip or a tattoo for ease of location and identification if your dog is lost.
Warn and prevent individuals from entering an area where the active shooter may be.
Call 911 when you are safe, and describe the shooter, his location, and his weapons to the extent possible
HIDE, if escape is not possible!
Get out of the shooter’s view and stay very quiet, preferably out of the main aisle or hallway, and the primary line of sight of the shooter.
Silence all electronic devices and make sure they won’t vibrate.
Note, this would include silencing Voiceover, Talk Back or other speech system you may utilize. Triple-click your Home button on your iPhone to do this or perform a 3-finger double tap to silence speech.
If in an open area, don’t hide in groups. Spread out along walls or hide separately to make it more difficult for the shooter. It may be that adding an extra step or two for the shooter to find or reach you may prompt them to move on to more fruitful convenient targets.
Remember, active shooters are looking for the most victims in the shortest amount of time.
If in a location where a solid structure is not available to hide behind, such as a store or restaurant, pull a clothes rack, display, table and chairs, food cart, or other similar covering over yourself to block you from the shooters view.
If in a separate room, don’t hide on a wall facing the door where the gunman may come in. hide on left or right wall, out of his line of sight where he is not looking.
Secure the room: Lock doors, close blinds, and turn off lights.
Barricade the door with heavy furniture, a chair under the doorknob, boxes, etc. which may add a layer for the shooter to have to overcome, or which might stop a bullet.
Your hiding place should be out of the shooter’s view and provide protection if shots are fired in your direction.
Get into offices, rest rooms, or other rooms with lockable doors if possible. Hide behind heavy doors, walls, credenzas, file cabinets, desks, tables, counters, large vending machines, etc. which offer protection if possible.
If outdoors, try to hide behind structures or solid objects. These may include walls, barricades, power boxes, pillars or poles. You can even hide behind a curb, which while low, may obscure the shooter’s aim, or offer sufficient protection against bullets.
Option: If no solid hiding place is available, asa last resort, consider “playing dead” if the shooter approaches you while hiding. Lie face down, calm or stop your breathing, don’t move a muscle, keep your eyes open and try not to move your eyes or eyelids.
Try to communicate with authorities silently. Use a headset or ear buds to silence your device, using text, email or social media. If possible when speaking on a 911 call, let the operator know you may be near the shooter so you may not speak or respond to questions. However, don’t risk revealing yourself to the shooter in order to do so.
Option: Apps or services such as Aira or Be My eyes may allow you to have a visual description of your environment but be cautious when considering accessing them. The time needed to reach an assistant may work against you, and the sound of your conversation may reveal your location to the shooter.
Stay in place until law enforcement tells you it’s clear and safe to move.
FIGHT – As an absolute last resort.
We realize this suggestion is extreme, and certainly not an ideal course of action, but there may be a time during the incident when there are no other options short of fighting the shooter in order to prevent him from harming or killing others, or you. This is a last resort, but if faced with such a circumstance, commit to it fully as it may mean survival.
Just because you don’t have a gun, doesn’t mean you don’t have a weapon. A weapon can offer valuable added force and may mean the difference in these drastic situations, and almost anything in your environment can be turned into a weapon: chairs, fire extinguishers, lamps, umbrellas, belts, paper weights, letter openers, books, coffee mugs, even a pen can be used as an improvised weapon. If practical, you can break apart a file drawer rack to use the metal pieces as a make-shift weapon.
If possible, spray a fire extinguisher in his direction. Try to aim for his face and eyes. Or throw a pot of scalding hot coffee his way.
Be creative, quick and violent!
Once the shooter is disoriented, rush him and take him down. We recognize that this may be easier said than done but remember at this point we’re considering our last resort.
Commit to your actions and act as aggressively as possible against the shooter.
Be prepared to cause severe or lethal injury to the shooter in order to save yourself and others. Don’t worry about fighting “fairly”. All is fair in such situations: bite him, poke him in the eyes, kick him, stab him with your improvised weapon, attack his soft tissue such as his throat, eyes, stomach, ears, etc. Instill whatever pain or injury you can, even disorientation if that is all that is possible.
Team up: Recruit others to help you ambush the shooter to confuse, distract or disorient him. Use weapons like scissors, letter openers, knives etc. to fight with.
Keep hands visible and empty so law enforcement doesn’t perceive you as a threat. Do not hold your cell phone in your hand, as this may be perceived as a weapon – keep your hands visible and completely empty.
Know that law enforcement’s first task is to end the incident, and they may have to pass injured individuals along the way.
Officers may arrive in groups, will likely be armed with rifles, shotguns, and/or handguns and may use pepper spray or tear gas to control the situation.
Officers will be very aggressive, shout commands and may push individuals to the ground for their safety. Try not to let this disorient you or cause you to disregard their instructions. If practical, show them your white cane, or otherwise let them know you are visually impaired.
Follow law enforcement instructions and evacuate in the direction they come from, unless otherwise instructed.
Take care of yourself first, and then you may be able to help the wounded before first responders arrive.
If the injured are in immediate danger, help get them to safety, but not at the risk of your own life.
While you wait for first responders to arrive, provide first aid. Apply direct pressure to wounded areas and use tourniquets if you have been trained to do so.
Turn wounded people onto their sides if they are unconscious and keep them warm.
Such a dramatic experience can affect you emotionally: consider seeking professional help for you and your family to cope with the long-term effects of the trauma.
We hope to never find ourselves in an active shooter situation, but if we do, we can prepare to some extent to increase the chances of surviving such an experience.
If at all possible, be prepared by making a plan as outlined in this document. Try to recall some of the suggestions offered in this document if and when you find yourself in an active shooter crisis.
Remember the three components of the active shooter plan: Run. Hide. Fight.
Additional resources:
RUN. HIDE. FIGHT. ® Surviving an Active Shooter Event – English (video)
Active Shooter Information Sheet (PDF)
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Active shooter preparedness resources translated (link)
Conducting Security Assessments: A Guide for Schools and Houses of Worship Webinar (link)
Department of Homeland Security Active Shooter Video:
Here is an NFB policy on gun ownership and licensing for the blind in the US:
Contact Your State Services
If you reside in Minnesota, and you would like to know more about Transition Services from State Services contact Transition Coordinator Sheila Koenig by email or contact her via phone at 651-539-2361.
To find your State Services in your State you can go to and search the directory for your agency.
Thank you for listening!
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