Podcast: Download
Show Summary:
Raqi, Angie and Jeff are in the studio while Serina gets some well deserved time off. She
told me to write that, yes she did. Marlon pops in with a few One More Things and We are talking Apples, Plans, Accessible Rowing Machine, Audio USB Mixer, New Mic from Shure and notta thing about that election!
Remember, www.NVDACon.org is announcing the upcoming NVDA Convention Dec. 5 and 6.
Here are some notes from the show:
Apple One subscription.
Family plan is nearly automatic.
You can have others join the iCloud storage plan but you have to dig in a little bit.
Apple One bundles up to six amazing Apple services
into one easy subscription. Get a plan that’s right for you — or for your whole family,. And all members have private access to each service, across all their devices.
- Apple Music
- Apple TV+
- Apple Arcade
- iCloud
- Apple News+
- Apple Fitness+ (Coming late 2020)
One More Thing! November 10 10 AM Pacific
Mac, Mac, Mac.
Would you buy a Pentium Mac today?
How much time until the Silicon Mac is fully integrated?
Is this why Big Sir OS is taking so so so long?
Concept2 Rowing Machine that is accessible and has built in speech. Angie gives us a ride and shows us how it is accessible.
What is over-kill and what is absolutely necessary?
New Mic from Shure.
USB/XLR Mic with Mute from Shure the Sure MV7.
Contact Your State Services
If you reside in Minnesota, and you would like to know more about Transition Services from State Services contact Transition Coordinator Sheila Koenig by email or contact her via phone at 651-539-2361.
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