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Podcast Summary:
In this iPhone101 Quickbyte, Pete Lane takes us through the Messages App and shows how to Pin a person or group to the top of the messages list.
When using the iOS Messages App your list can become cluttered with individuals and groups which makes it difficult to locate someone in your ever-growing list of recipients. A convenient way to prioritize this list is with the use of the “Pinning” feature which allows you to permanently place those people whom you contact frequently at the top of your list, making them easier to find.
Let’s walk through the steps to do this:
Open Messages app, flick right with one finger until you arrive at the recipient whom you wish to Pin (the recipient can be an individual person or a group of recipients – check out the Quick Bytes episode on creating group recipients in the Messages App).- Flick up with one finger until you hear voiceover say, “Pin”. perform a Single-finger double-tap.
- Now the recipient has the “Pinned“ status, and you are ready to place him or her in a specific location among your other “Pinned “ recipients.
- Flick up with a single finger until you hear voice over say, “drag item“. Perform a single-finger double-tap.
Flick left or right, up or down the list), of other pinned recipients until you hear the Voiceover cue for were . you wish to place the newly pinned recipient – i.e. either before or after a particular recipient on the list. Perform a single-finger double-tap to drop them.
Contact Your State Services
If you reside in Minnesota, and you would like to know more about Transition Services from State Services contact Transition Coordinator Sheila Koenig by email or contact her via phone at 651-539-2361.
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