Podcast: Download
Podcast Summary:
`Blind Abilities adds to the iPhone101 Series with this in depth, comprehensive review of blocking callers and senders of unwanted text messages and emails. Pete Lane takes us through a detailed journey covering the various processes for eliminating and reducing these unwelcome contacts in multiple Apps across iOS. From blocking unknown phone numbers in our Messages and Phone Apps, to blocking and unsubscribing from sales, spam and scam emails, collectively referred to as Robocalls, Pete demonstrates step by step techniques for getting these nagging senders out of our virtual hair.
Be sure to grab your most comfortable seat and favorite beverage and focus your attention on this half-hour tutorial on navigating around your iOS device. As Pete has shown in previous iPhone 101 demonstrations, some topics can be quite involved and may require an in depth and fast paced demo in order to give you the best opportunity to understand how to apply them in your daily life. The subject of reducing all of the rampant communications you are probably receiving from unwanted contacts across so many apps on your iOS device is just such a topic, and this podcast is just such a demo!
He also provides some valuable background information on this issue including details from www.FCC.gov, the web site of the Federal Communications Commission. This is the agency in the US charged with monitoring, managing and enforcing the laws and regulations governing all such communications across the country.
* A basic summary of our demo –
* Start Time: 00:13 -Introduction and background look at Robocalls:
* Start Time: 06:20 – unwanted messages in our Messages app, blocking a particular phone number and hiding alerts.
* Start Time: 09:45 – we move to our phone app, and block the same phone number.
*Start Time: 11:55 – It’s over to our Settings app, to Messages settings, and then to “blocked contacts” list to verify the number we blocked is listed there.
* Start Time: 13:05 – we flip back in our messages settings, to “filter unknown senders”, to toggle to the “off” position. we also choose not to filter unknown senders messages to a new or separate text messages list.
* Start Time: 13:50 – In our Phone settings, we need to seriously consider “silence unknown Callers” as a last ditch option. It’s a drastic one, so think about it first.
* Start Time: 15:13 – We then show how to block numbers of people who are in our Contacts List, just as we did with the random phone number in our Messages app. We also retrieve a voice mail left by our blocked contact, and go back and “unblock that contact.
* Start Time: 20:17 – We then review two ways to unsubscribe to unwanted email senders, ultimately being sent to an “Opt-Out” website to provide our email address. We also demonstrate completing a survey explaining why we opted out of the email list.
* Start Time: 25:50 – It is also possible to block email addresses just like texts and callers. we go into the email app and open a message from an unwanted sender, then find the sender’s email address in the headers section of that message and double tap.. This opens a blocking screen. The rest is identical to the process for texts and phone numbers.
* Start Time: 27:54 – We then go to our Mail Settings, to the Messages heading and “mark blocked senders”. We have a choice to leave any of these emails In our Inbox, or move them into our trash.
* Start Time: 29:15 – Now, we go back to the previous message settings screen, to the “blocked” button, which shows us the blocked senders list, and we see that this email address is added to the same “Blocked Senders” list with all of the blocked phone numbers from our Messages and Phone apps.
* Start Time: 31:00 – Closing, We know this demo presents a lot of information, and quickly. We invite listeners to reach out to ask questions and have added “Start Times here to facilitate using this demo as a reference tool to refer to later to review these individual processes. Feel free to contact Jeff or Pete for questions, or to share comments.
As usual, we also want to thank Chee Chau for his beautiful music!
Contact Your State Services
If you reside in Minnesota, and you would like to know more about Transition Services from State Services contact Pre-ETS Program and Transition Services Manager Sheila Koenig by email or contact her via phone at 651-539-2361.
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