Full Transcript
Welcome to Blind Abilities. I’m Jeff Thompson. If you’re wearing a mask, will your phone be able to recognize you using face ID? You can use your original face ID just by pulling your mask down to expose your nose, and that’s all it takes, really. But if you want to set up an alternate ID or have a second person be able to unlock your phone using facial recognition, say your spouse, your child, your parent, here you go. We originally released this alternate ID demo in That Blind Tech Show. Be sure to go check out that entire show. It’s pretty good. But this demo, we said it before, and it bears repeating.
So, thank you Kelly Gray for bringing it to our attention and prompting us to get this demo out there for everyone. Thanks Kelly. And if you’re enjoying Blind Abilities and That Blind Tech show, be sure to share with all your friends and all the social networks. You can follow us on Twitter @BlindAbilities. Check us out on the web at www.blindabilities.com and download the free Blind Abilities app from the app store. That’s two words, Blind Abilities. You can also enable the Blind Abilities skill on your Amazon device just by saying, “Enable Blind Abilities,” and you can check us out on Facebook. We got the Blind Abilities Community Facebook group and That Blind Tech Show Facebook group as well. All right, now here’s the alternate ID demo. We hope you enjoy.
To set up an alternate appearance, we’ll go to settings.
Speaker 2:
Single finger, double tap, and then we’ll swipe on down to Face ID & Passcode.
Speaker 2:
Face ID & Passcode button.
And now you are requested to put in your passcode. So go ahead.
Speaker 2:
Passcode, zero of six values entered. Face ID & Passcode.
Now swipe on down.
Speaker 2:
iPhone unlocked… iTunes and app store… Password… Auto fill… Other apps… 10 apps button.
Till you get to this.
Speaker 2:
iPhone can recognize the unique three dimensional features of your face to allow secure access to apps and payments. About Face ID and privacy. Blank link.
And here you can learn more about Face ID and privacy, of course. One more swipe.
Speaker 2:
Set up an alternate appearance button.
But let’s swipe one more time.
Speaker 2:
In addition to continuously learning how you look, Face ID can recognize an alternate appearance.
Just a little info for you. Now let’s swipe back one.
Speaker 2:
Set up an alternate appearance button.
And single finger, double tap.
Speaker 2:
Animation of a head gently moving in an outward facing circle.
Now what it’s going to ask you to do is adjust the camera, and it’ll tell you if you’re centered or not. Then you’ll just rotate your head in a circle, starting from the bottom, going all the way around counter-clockwise. Don’t fret too much. If you don’t do it right, it’ll have some cues for you to do it. It actually will tell you exactly every direction to look. I purposely moved the camera away, and it told me to move it in a certain position, started all over, and poof. It got the angle it needed and it was done.
Speaker 2:
How to set up Face ID. First position your face in the camera frame then move your head in a circle to show all the angles of your face. Get started.
Single finger, double tap.
Speaker 2:
Position your face within the frame. Hold the device in front of your face at a distance of 10 to 20 inches. Head position correctly. Starting first scan. 12% completed. 25% completed. Tilt your head up. 38% completed. 50% completed. 88% completed. Your face is out of view. Reposition your face within the frame. Head positioned correctly. Starting first scan. Tilt your head down and to the right. 100% completed.
All right, it was just waiting for that angle that it needed and poof. There we go.
Speaker 2:
Continue button.
Single finger, double tap.
Speaker 2:
First Face ID scan complete. Continue button.
Single finger, double tap.
Speaker 2:
Now right away it’ll start scanning for the second Face ID, so throw on your sunglasses, throw on your mask, throw on what you typically wear on a day when you’re using your phone and you just don’t quite look like yourself. But I want to remind you, if you’re just doing this because of a mask you don’t need to. You can use your Face ID that you have originally in your iPhone because when I pulled my mask just down to expose my nose area, my original Face ID, the facial recognition, worked fine.
Speaker 2:
12% completed. 25%. 38. 50%. 62%. Eight- 100% completed.
Now, once again, I rotated my head facing the camera, moving up and then moving back down on the other side in a circle.
Speaker 2:
Second face ID scan complete button.
Single finger, double tap.
Speaker 2:
Continue. Face ID is set up. Accessibility options button.
Single finger, double tap. Now, in case you are unable to move your head or rotate your head, it will allow you to do an alternative motion.
Speaker 2:
Face ID works best when it learns to recognize your face it from all angles; however, if you are unable to complete the circle, you can choose to use Face ID with fewer angles. Use partial circle button. Face ID is set up. Face ID and voiceover. Face ID has been set up to verify your identity but not require that you look at iPhone to authenticate. This can be changed in Face ID & Passcode settings.
Thus, you don’t have to actually make eye contact with the camera, which it does look for for a degree of security, but we can turn that off if we choose to. Now, parents may also want to consider this as a way for them to access their child’s phone, as well, or possibly a spouse, a grandparent, or a partner. Just make the alternate ID their face. Now, this may be something you want to try, but remember this, if you already have Face ID set up for certain apps, you may have to reset that up because that’s one of the safety things that Apple has built into it. If you alternate your facial ID, it wants to redo it again. So, your Apple just wants you to reset it up again. Go into the settings of that app and reset Face ID. There you go. All right, I want to thank you for listening. Hope you enjoyed, and until next time. Bye bye.
[Music] [Transition noise] -When we share
-What we see
-Through each other’s eyes…
[Multiple voices overlapping, in unison, to form a single sentence]
…We can then begin to bridge the gap between the limited expectations, and the realities of Blind Abilities.
Jeff Thompson:
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If you reside in Minnesota, and you would like to know more about Transition Services from State Services contact Transition Coordinator Sheila Koenig by email or contact her via phone at 651-539-2361.
To find your State Services in your State you can go to www.AFB.org and search the directory for your agency.
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