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Show Summary:
En-Vision America’s David Raistrick joins Jeff Thompson to talk about what’s new at En-Vision America. David is attending the 2019 CSUN event and will have the ID Mate and the Script Talk devices at the booth. David goes over the latest updates and news from En-Vision America and gives us a demonstration of Script Talk in action. Be sure to check out En-Vision America on the web www.EnVisionAmerica.com
Contact Info:
David Raistrick
Vice President/CTO
En-Vision America
825 4th Street W, Palmetto FL 34221
Direct: 941-702-6607
The Blind Abilities coverage of the 2019 CSUN Convention is sponsored by Be My Eyes. Here is some breaking news just released from CSUN:
A Warm Welcome to the Newest Specialized Help Partner: Google
You can now get help managing your Google products by the tap of a button.
We’re pleased to announce that Google is the newest company onboard the Specialized Help platform! Specialized Help enables blind and low-vision users to connect directly with company representatives through a live video connection. Blind and low-vision users can now request assistance from the Google Disability Support team through the Be My Eyes app for questions about assistive tools and accessibility features within Google’s products.
Getting connected to the Google Disability Support team through Be My Eyes is easy. Start by accessing the Specialized Help menu from the Be My Eyes home screen and select Google from the list. From the Google profile, you can make a call directly to the Google Disability Support team. Making a Specialized Help call to Google works just like any other Be My Eyes call, except that you’ll get connected to an official Google representative, who can help you with troubleshooting or other questions on accessibility features within Google’s products or services effectively.
Please note that the Google Specialized Help option should only be used for questions or issues concerning assistive tools or accessibility features within Google’s products or services. You can make calls to Google through Be My Eyes Monday through Friday 8AM-5PM PT. Currently in English only, from Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Ireland, India, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
If you have other requests for companies or institutions to become a part of Specialized Help, please send us an email at info@bemyeyes.com and we’ll do our best to include them on the platform.
Best regards,
Alexander Hauerslev Jensen,
CCO at Be My Eyes
Find us on the web at www.BeMyEyes.com
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Find out more about Stephen Letnes and the Able Artist Foundation on the web at www.AbleArtist.org
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