Podcast: Download
Full Transcript
Show Summary:
The new feature QuickPath, better known as, Slide to Type, is a way of typing that uses probability to come up with the word you want to write by monitoring your keyboard interaction and giving you audible feedback of possible words. That is, if you have VoiceOver on.
First we will make sure this feature is turned on in settings. Here are the settings for Slide to Type:
- Go to the Settings icon and do a single-finger double tap to open the settings page.
- Swipe down with a single-finger from left to right on the screen and single-finger double tap when you arrive on General.
- Swipe down again until you arrive on Keyboard and single-finger double tap.
- Swipe down from left to right until you land on Swipe to Type.
- Upon hearing on or off, you can single-finger double tap to toggle between having this feature turned on or off.
You can also change the way the cursor triggers Slide to Type while interacting with the keyboard. You can change the time in settings in the Accessibility section of settings:
- Go to Settings
- Go to Accessibility
- Go to VoiceOver
- Swipe down to Typing
- Swipe down to Keyboard Interacting Time and Single-finger double tap.
- Increase or decrease the amount of time you want for interacting.
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If you reside in Minnesota, and you would like to know more about Transition Services from State Services contact Transition Coordinator Sheila Koenig by email or contact her via phone at 651-539-2361.
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