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Welcome to Job Insights Extra, part of the Job Insights Podcast with Serina Gilbert and Jeff Thompson, a podcast focused on the world of employment, career pathways and gainful and meaningful employment.
The Job Insights Extra podcasts are success stories, interviews and demos that enhance the experience of reaching that career you want.
On Job Insights Extra #5 we talk to Dan Sippl, President of the Randolph-Sheppard Vendors of America (RSVA)at their annual Sage Brush Convention in Las Vegas.
The RSVA is an organization of Blind venders part of the Business Enterprise Program and under the Randolph-Sheppard Act which allows for business opportunities for people who are blind.
Each year RSVA gathers and brings in speakers and business representatives to help educate and share ideas programs and inovative strategies to enhance the opportunities and possibilities in the highly competitive market of food services and vending operations.
If you are interested in becoming your own boss and want to run your own business, be sure to contact Dan sippl and the RSVA and they will surely provide you with the information to get you started on a lifetime career.
You can inquire about the BEP in your state by contacting your State Services for the Blind, your Vocational Rehab and ask to speak to your state’s director of the BEP.
Here are some links to get you started:
RSVA on the web www.randolph-sheppard.org
Here is a podcast all about the BEP:
The Business Enterprise program: Business Ownership Opportunities and a Promising Career
Thank you for listening!
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