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Show Summary:
Dr. Ashley Tuan, Vice President of Medical Devices at Mojo Vision, joins Jeff Thompson in the Blind Abilities studio about the development of a new and innovative product for low vision individuals called Mojo Lens.
Dr. Tuan discusses the fascinating and impressive capabilities of these high-tech contact lenses, which are placed on the white part of the user’s eye, called the Sclera. With the help of a wearable device which serves as a relay, the lenses will project a variety of images to the retina, providing a “heads up and hands-free” display for the individual.
Dr. Tuan has been with Mojo Vision for the past five years and shares her passion, and her very personal reason for embarking on this meaningful journey as the product has evolved not only into a promising technology for sighted people, but also a significant tool which will offer enhanced vision and information for individuals with low vision.
The Mojo Lens will be able to project various images onto a functioning portion of the retina, much like the normal eye does, in the form of an inconspicuous contact lens, thus the array is sometimes referred to as “invisible computing.”
Mojo Vision is proceeding methodically with the creation of its prototype and enlisting the feedback of numerous low vision members of the nearby Vista Center, a nonprofit organization which provides a wide variety of services to blind and visually impaired clients. This ensures that relevant and meaningful input is used with each step of the research and development process.
Be sure to set aside a few minutes to hear about this remarkable device as Jeff Thompson chats with Dr. Tuan and reveals it’s almost futuristic capabilities that will afford low vision individuals improved sight through such features as magnification and highlighting of object edges, coupled with other sources of information like text messages relayed from your smart phone or the cloud.
You can learn more about Mojo Vision on the company’s web site Mojo.Vision
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