Podcast: Download
Podcast Summary:
In this episode of Job Insights Serina gilbert, Sarlie Drakos, Dacia Vanalstine and Jeff Thompson talk about your presence on Social Media platforms and how your profile, your presence can influence job recruiters, potential employers, and decision makers during the job interview process. How to clean up your past and build a purposeful and positive presence on social media that may help you land that job you are seeking.
the Job Insights team shares their knowledge and experience to help you succeed and prepare for the job interview and help you set a pathway to the career you want.
Be sure to contact your Vocational Rehabilitation Services in your state and see what they can do for you.
Sarlie Drakos is a Disability Employment Coach and you can reach her at SarlieDrakos.com and inquire how she can help you land that dream job.
Be sure to check out all of our Job Insights episodes and give us a call at 612-367-6093, we would love to hear from you. Send us an email at info@BlindAbilities.com or give us a call at 612-367-6093.
Thanks for listening!
Contact Your State Services
If you reside in Minnesota, and you would like to know more about Transition Services from State Services contact Pre-ETS Program and Transition Services Coordinator Shane DeSantis at shane.desantis@state.mn.us or 651-358-5205.
You can follow us on Twitter @BlindAbilities
On the web at www.BlindAbilities.com
Send us an email and give us a call at 612-367-6093, we would love to hear from you!
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Give us a call and leave us some feedback at 612-367-6093 we would love to hear from you!
Check out the Blind Abilities Community on Facebook, the Blind Abilities Page, and the Career Resources for the Blind and Visually Impaired