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Podcast Summary:
In this episode, Jeff is joined by Christine Malec, known for her segment on the Kelly and Company show on AMI Audio called Curious Minds. Christine enlightens us about the upcoming 3rd annual Luminato Festival in Toronto, Canada.
Christine shares with us an overview of the audio described festival. She explains how the festival explores the languages of puppeteers and dancers, which can sometimes be challenging to comprehend. Through audio description and sounds, Christine reveals how a deeper understanding of these art forms can be achieved. She emphasizes the importance of recognizing how emotions are expressed through body language. While Christine admits her initial struggles with these languages, she highlights that her experiences and understanding of the arts have made her optimistic. To delve deeper into these topics, Christine hosts the Dance and Puppeteer podcasts, which are available for you to listen to using the links provided below.
Christine delves into the Luminato Festival’s theme of storytelling. Drawing from her own experiences as an author and singer, she shares how storytelling provides a unique and captivating way to express art. The Luminato Festival aims to enhance art literacy by offering an inclusive audio description experience for the Blind community as well as other communities.
The Luminato Festival is open to the world! You can find the Radio Lumi podcast series on Spotify using this link.
Additionally, the Luminato Access Hub serves as a central platform where you can discover links to the podcast series and connect with ISO Radio. During the festival, live coverage will be hosted on Stream B.
Access the Luminato Access Hub and explore the festival through this link.
Join Jeff and Christine Malec as they uncover the wonders of the Luminato Festival, an audio described festival that celebrates art in its many forms. Gain a deeper understanding of puppeteers and dancers, explore the power of storytelling, and dive into the world of art literacy. Don’t miss out on this incredible experience!
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