Full Transcript
Scott: So when this opportunity came being later in life like this, I just embraced it. I tried it and it is so fun. I just love bringing other people to it because for me it was a dream and now it’s a dream come true. I just don’t think people can realize until they’ve tried it what the opportunity is.
Jeff: Welcome to Blind abilities. I’m Geoff Thompson. Today in the studio we have Shane DeSantis and he’s the transition coordinator at State Services for the blind. Welcome, Shane.
Shane: Welcome, Jeff. Glad to be here.
Jeff: Tell us about this great event you got coming up. Yeah.
Shane: On Monday, June 17th from 9 a.m. until noon, we are putting together a little golf clinic for youth in Oakdale, Minnesota. We will be getting together again Monday, June 17th from 9 a.m. to noon and we look forward to have ages eight and up. Try and hit the golf ball around.
Jeff: You’re talking blind golf. Can you explain that to me a little bit?
Shane: Yeah, you know, Jeff, this is going to be my first time actually seeing this other than on YouTube. But when golf their sighted guides who will be there? One of the Oak Marsh golf course. The course we’re at. Their golf coach is a teacher of the blind and visually impaired. And she is also a golf coach.
Jeff: I think that’s awesome.
Angie: Hi, I’m Angie Ozzie and I am an orientation mobility specialist at Saint Paul Public Schools, and I’m also a PGA and LPGA golf coach at Oak Marsh Golf Course in Oakdale, Minnesota. SSB is hosting a golf clinic at Oak Marsh on Monday, June 17th from 9 to 12 and we will be providing equipment, instruction and having a great time. We’ll have a little pizza party when we’re done and we’ll be a great time to socialize, get to meet some new people. I hope you can join us.
Shane: So we’ll also be having some other blind golfers there who have been a part of the United States Blind Golf Association and will have sighted guides who will come help our students hit the golf ball around the driving range for.
Scott: Yeah, Scott, again, I hate to say it, but I’m 61 years old and being out on the golf course makes me feel like a kid just loving the event and never dreamed at all. I’d be able to go and be able to participate in a golf game that anybody can play in. It’s not just for blind people. It’s the same rules that the regular sighted people use. It’s just a phenomenal experience. Maybe it’s my age, but I never dreamed I could play golf and now I’m living the dream. It’s unbelievable thinking about it. Just the amazing opportunity you folks, as young people, having the opportunity to get out on the golf course, it almost makes my mind spin to think you’ve got all these years ahead of you to try this out. And if you like it to really become good at this game, you’ll experience some lows. But there’s also many highs in this game. Just the fact that you’re able to play, it’s just an unbelievable experience. Yeah, I just encourage everybody who’s young to try it and get that golf club in your hand, try it out and live the experience. I will be out there on the golf course. I’m anxious to meet all of you. I will be around to help in any way I can. Just looking for this to be a great experience for all of you.
Jeff: Well, this seems like a great opportunity to get outside and experience something. Like you said, you haven’t tried it before. I’ve golfed in my lifetime before, but never participated as a blind golfer, so this sounds really interesting.
Shane: Yeah, so, you know, those sighted guides will be working directly with the students to help them get set up, approach the ball, give some details of, you know, the driving range and what the layout is like in the clubs that they are using, and let them walk away with the golf ball with sighted assistance.
Jeff: I think it’s just phenomenal that you have Angie, a professional coach and teacher of the blind, leading the way with Scott and others coming to help guide and teach others their experiences to make sure that they have a great opportunity here to learn the sport of blind golf. It’s such a great event.
Shane: Yeah, I look forward to it. We’re trying to get students out there having fun. I mean, I’m a golfer here and there and I kind of get around the golf course. But just the thing about golf, it’s being outside. It’s a leisure activity. And this will be an event for students to say, hey, this is also a leisure activity that blind individuals also do and partake in. And exposing that to our students is going to be a great opportunity.
Jeff: Yeah. Last year John Hulet called me from Las Vegas and says, you won’t believe this. I’m attending a blind golf event out here in Vegas, and all these blind vendors are out there golfing and stuff. And he says, we got to bring this to Minnesota. So I’m glad that through Kurt Jones and a few others, that stuff is starting to happen. And I’m so glad that State Services for the blind is actually creating an opportunity for people to get involved.
Shane: Yeah, any student connected with state services for the blind, ages eight and up, or any student ages 14 and up can reach out to me and I can help out if we need transportation assistance, like I said, will be in Oakdale, Minnesota at Oak Marsh Golf Course on Monday, June 17th. We’re also going to be serving pizza afterwards. And again, just another social event for students who may have never thought they’d get a golf club in their hand and be able to hit a golf ball. So another great opportunity. If you’re connected with SSB, reach out to me and I can help provide some support. Then we’ll have pizza at the end of the day or at noon and hang out and enjoy that. Hopefully a nice June weather day here in Minnesota.
Jeff: Well, thank you so much, Shane, for coming on and telling everybody about this event. It’s something that I will even consider doing myself. It’s been a while, but hey, no time like the present, right?
Shane: Exactly. It’s a good way to look at it.
Jeff: It’s such a great opportunity. Be sure to check the show notes for all the links to find out how you can get involved. On June 17th from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., reach out to Shane DeSantis and that’s Shane.DeSantis D e s a n t i s at state.MN.US
That’s Shane.DeSantis@State.MN.US
Be sure to register early and we’ll see you out on the golf course.
Be sure to contact your state services for the blind, your voc rehab and find out what they can do for you. Live. Work. Read. Succeed.
For more podcasts with a Blindness Perspective, check us out on the web at Blind abilities.com, on Twitter at Blind Abilities, and download the free Blind Abilities app from the App Store and Google Play Store. That’s two words, Blind Abilities. And if you want to leave some feedback, give us some suggestions. Give us a call at (612) 367-6093. We’d love to hear from you. I want to thank you for listening. And until next time, bye bye.
[Music] [Transition noise] –
When we share-
What we see
-Through each other’s eyes…
[Multiple voices overlapping, in unison, to form a single sentence]
…We can then begin to bridge the gap between the limited expectations, and the realities of Blind Abilities.