Podcast: Download
Show Summary:
That Blind Tech Show is back in the saddle and no, not riding a guide dog as Brian is quite confused about drive-throughs and kiosk. Screen Reader access may be coming to a restaurant near you according to the work being done by Visaro and the Jaws team.
Is Brian using Seeing AI or is the CIA looking for Brian? And who did fall off that ladder?
Is Facebook still crashing for VoiceOver users and how about jumping into an Uber with wings? No, angels are not using them, yet, but Hyunda wants to get you airborne and using the Uber Air-Taxi service by 2023. Ambitious? Hmm, we will have to see. Um, no pun intended.
What is in your daily meal? Jeff is Juicing and Brian is doing the NutraSystem plan, while Serina is just fasting away now and then staying perfect as she believes she is. Yes, Serina is… Oh wait, Serina Williams just won her first title in 3 years and I guess the big question is, “Hey Gilbert, what have you done lately?”
Don’t eat your Air Pods! Please don’t do that. Silly kiddo, pods are not to be inserted there! No nutritional value in this Apple product.
Do you sit at the computer all day? Want to stretch those legs? Then Jeff brings us the news from a Husky product he found at Home Depot. An adjustable desk!
By the way, are you signing in with the same passwords and user-names all across the board? Stop that! Right now! Change it up and the best password is the one you don’t even know! Get that 2 Factor Varification going and rest assured your privacy and security is doing the best job it can do for you.
So much more in this episode and so few words left in my vocabulary. So jump on in and take a ride on the TBTS AirTaxi of Podcasts, the Black Pot Kettle Cat of the Nation and without a doubt, just another That Blind Tech Show making a lot of ToDo about Tech, News, and a bent perspective to the visual impairment and blindness world we live in. And remember, showing up is everything. Make it happen. You are worth it!
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